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How To Apply For Freight Quotes

Written By Unknown on Friday, 21 December 2012 | 01:25

If this is your first time using netTRANS.com.au, you may be wondering how on earth you apply for freight quotes. Fortunately, we have made this process as easy as possible; in only a short amount of time, your tender will be open for hundreds of transport companies to place bids on. Before we start, however, you must know what freight you are trying to transport and how much it weighs.

If you aren’t already a member of netTRANS.com.au, there has never been a better time to sign up. The website is completely free and all we require is a few details about you and your business. Then, you can click on the ‘place a tender’ button that and fill in the required information (where the freight needs to be picked up from, where it is going, what it is and how much it weighs).

Then, all you need to do is sit back and watch as the freight quote roll in. The transport companies placing bids on your tender are doing so by providing a price that they are willing to do the job for. Once biding has ended, netTRANS.com.au will notify you of the company with the lowest bid and arrangements for payment and pickup will be made from there.

As you can see, applying for freight quotes through netTRANS.com.au could not be easier. It is even possible to keep track of who currently holds the winning bid for your freight for the duration of bidding, allowing you to get an idea of what transport companies are willing to work for today. This will give you a better idea of what to expect when asking for future quotes.


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